Renewable Energy
Most businesses have considered the relevance and opportunity of renewable energy generation; farm businesses undoubtedly have the resources – space, capital and entrepreneurial ability and many businesses have adapted the technologies. However, the first wave of opportunity has passed and we need to consider Renewable Energy in the forms of Biomass, Solar, Anaerobic Digestion (AD) or Wind as an established form of potential income.
There are undoubtedly opportunities for all, subject to evaluation. I have experience, information and contacts to help you consider the alternatives, to understand planning and issues such as grid connection at the earliest stage.
All these technologies require an assessment of their physical capabilities and for AD, management ability, as well as availability of back up and installation services. For all, technology moves on at an impressive rate and, to add to the mix, I have an interest and an investment in newly emerging gasification technology both on farm and for municipal waste as a feedstock.
What Our Clients Say...
Gave me the opportunity to start farming